Saturday, November 30, 2013

I already have all my own answers. I just don't realize what they are until someone turns my life into a question.

Thursday, February 21, 2013
William Allen Shirley

"Nothing beats fun, for having a good time"~~Ghalli Gi~~

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I know this sounds corny, but everything is perfect right now. right now. right now. right now. In this exact moment, I have enough for this moment. If I learn this, I begin to trust that the next moment will be enough also. after a bit of practice, I get to string these perfectly adequate moments together. Soon, "right now I have enough" becomes simply "I have enough". Inner peace is everything.~~Baba Rhum Rhaizin~~
The ego is a zoo. Feelings are the monkeys. They are alternately endearing, cute or funny, and sometimes they throw a handful of shit at you. But it's the zoo. I can go or stay. It's a little bit stupid to yell at a monkey, or get overly concerned with them. They are only monkeys, after all. Don't take them too seriously. The zoo can be enticing, but would you really want to live there?~~Baba Rhum Rhaizin~~