Friday, August 3, 2012

"You can be kind, even when fondness is out of the question."~~Baba Rhum Rhaizin~~
Discernment can look like intolerance, especially if you discern something that someone else likes, is not good for you. Well, tough shit for the other guy then.~~Baba Rhum Rhaizin~~
"I cleanse myself of all 
selfishness, resentment, critical feelings for my fellow beings, 
self-condemnation, and 
misinterpretation of my life experiences"

Friday, July 27, 2012

"Once you take care of the needs of a society they will then concentrate on their wants. Providing their wants is the gateway to real power."~~Baba Rhum Rhaizin~~ 

Monday, June 4, 2012

           By L. Haden Bayard        
       Book Preview